Once upon a time in ancient Egypt, cats were worshiped. The death of a cat was a family tragedy and legend states that those who owned the cat would shave their eyebrows off to pay tribute to their beloved feline.
The ancient Egyptian belief was also that cats could communicate with the spirit world, and they believed that cats can see ghosts. In Buddhism it is believed that the souls of people who have passed are reborn as animals, including cats.
It is also believed that cats are able to sense the presence of any abnormal aura around them, and that they are able to sense an evil aura around people.
How do cats see?
Cats are predators, and thus have evolved great eyesight to help them when hunting. However, a cat’s eyesight at daytime is not as good as our own. Cats have more limited colour vision than us and they are less able to focus on objects at different distances than we are.
However, a cat’s vision in the dark is far superior to ours. Their large pupils allow much more light to enter the eye than ours do, helping them to see in low light conditions. However, cats don’t just rely on their eyes to sense the world around them, they also use their ears and nose and those lovely long cat whiskers.
How do cats hear?
Cat hearing is a lot more sensitive than ours is. Cats can hear frequencies four to five times higher than us humans can, which is due to differences in the structure of their ears compared to ours. Cats can hear noises such as a mouse scuttling through the grass, or a squirrel climbing up a tree from about 10 metres away. Their sensitive hearing is one reason why cats may wake all of a sudden from a deep sleep.
When cats tilt and move their heads, they are trying to find an angle that helps them hear best and focus on where the noise is coming from.
When are a cat’s actions something to worry about?
Even though cats seeing ghosts would be fascinating, and would unlock doors into an alternative universe, often their reactions and behaviour, rather than being associated with the spirit world, can be a sign of something else. If their sudden reactions and behaviour start to cause issues in your home, or they start to become destructive or aggressive, or you have any other concerns, then you should seek advice from your vet.
Although the answer to the question “can cats see ghosts” is likely to be ‘no’, cats are amazing companions - intelligent, loving and with abilities that often exceed anything we are capable of. What to know how truly amazing your cat is? Take a look at our article on 14 fun facts you should know about your cat, next.