Owners are constantly baffled when they buy their cat a cool new toy and they're much more interested in the box it came in! But why do cats love boxes so much? Keep reading to find out why.
It’s a widely known fact that cats love boxes. To them, no toy in the world, no matter how expensive or fancy it may be, compares to a simple cardboard box. It’s a phenomenon that baffles most cat owners, especially when they’ve just purchased a great new bed or cool toy, and their cat seems to prefer the packaging it came in.
In this article we explore why cats like boxes and tell you all about why they make the perfect snoozing and hunting ground for your cat.
Why do cats like boxes?
There are lots of reasons that cats love boxes, but the main one is because they’re confined, enclosed spaces. Cats are ambush predators and finding confined places where they can hide, hunt prey and feel safe and warm is an instinctive behaviour. Snug cardboard boxes fit the bill perfectly.
Boxes are safe
Cats get comfort and security from enclosed spaces, which is why they love spending time in cardboard boxes. Cats use boxes as hiding places where predators can’t sneak up on them from the side or behind. If your cat is in a box, any “intruders” like prey, humans or other pets have to come directly into their field of vision, meaning nothing can surprise them.
And cats like boxes because they help to reduce stress and offer a safe zone where your cat can observe and not be seen. This is ideal for cats as their reaction to stressful situations is often to run and hide. Cats don’t have in-built conflict resolution strategies, so they much prefer to hide from their problems. The safety of the private, enclosed space is another possible answer to why do cats like boxes.