Sprinkle some catnip near to your kitten and you’ll notice a sudden change in behaviour. Find out more about this plant and why it’s got such an effect on your fluffy feline. Here is all you need to know about cats and catnip.
Catnip seems to be adored across the feline kingdom with both big and small cats falling head over heels for this plant’s allure. But what is catnip and why do cats like it so much? Does it have any effect on us humans? And is it safe or not? We’re unravelling all the catnip mysteries below.
What is catnip?
Catnip (or as it’s officially known Nepeta cataria) is a herb from the mint family. Originally common in a few areas of Asia and Europe, it has managed to spread to most corners of the world. You might have noticed it growing next to country roads or even as a drought-resistant addition in people’s gardens.
What does catnip do to cats?
Let your cat near the catnip plant and you’re in for a reaction of pure joy. As your cat will start to lick and rub against it, you will notice their reaction turning into something that looks wild and strange. In a bout of hyperactivity they might start stretching, drooling or jumping. Other cats will go for a wild run up and down the room. More docile or sedated reactions have also been noticed – the response depends on the individual cat.
The effects of catnip on cats are temporary and usually wear off within half an hour, as your cat becomes briefly immune to the effects. It’s also common for cats to sit quite still after a euphoric reaction, until the effects wear off.